Du meine Rettichblume in der Formel-1 Karrotte
(Oh My Radish Blossom in the Formula One Carrot)
During discussions with male collegues about art, car bodies, cinema, children, competition …, raw vegetable were transfigured into flowers, race cars and citations from 20th century art.
Robert Adrian X
Beni Altmüller
Sepp Auer
Christian Bartel
Tim Boykett
Julius Deutschbauer
Martin Dickinger
Hellmuth Gsöllpointner
Robert F. Hammerstiel
Franco Kappl
Hubert Lobnig
Pepi Maier
Just Merrit
Christoph Nebel
Wolfgang Podgorschek
Hans Werner Poschauko
Friedrich Rücker
Leo Schatzl
Joachim Smetschka
Udo Wid
Wolfgang Zinggl