HANDle with care
Museum der Hand / Museo della mano

Art project for the hospital in Meran, Italy
Various objects, showcases, photographs

HANDle with care—installed in the waiting areas at the Tappeiner Hospital—combines a series of photographs quotating famous filmstills taken from Hollywoodproductions, with artworks by invited and commissioned artist collegues. (Claudia Plank, Hans Werner Poschauko, Jeanette Schulz)

All these objects, graphics, photographs and showcases focus on hands and the language of gestures.

HANDle with care is part of a project by curator Martin Fritz, including the following artists: Ecke Bonk, Clevedetscher/Schumacher, Chrono Pop, Maria Eichhorn, Heinz Gappmayr, Gelatin, Johanna Kandl, IngeborgStrobl, Lawrence Weiner.